9 Questions Your Florist Will Ask When Designing Your Bridal Bouquet
Choosing the style and design of your bouquets is one of the biggest (and most exciting!) decisions in terms of flowers for your wedding! There is certainly lots of exciting things to think about, from colours, shapes, style and design. Whilst it is slightly governed by season, there is still so much to decide on when designing your bouquets. Our floristry team have pulled together a list of helpful questions that your florist may ask you when designing your bouquets.

B and her Bridemaids' bouquets designed by our team.
1. Colour
One of the first and most important things to think about is colour! Try and think about the other key colours in your wedding, and what you have already chosen. For example, the colours of the dresses and suits, or what colours are present at the venue. If your day is filled with muted tones then perhaps blush, sage green and other lighter tones will work? Or if you are opting for a bolder colour scheme then yours and your bridesmaids' bouquets are the perfect way to showcase this! It’s important to try and use a consistent colour palette throughout to create a cohesive design.
2. Style
There are so many styles of bouquets, from relaxed and boho to more modern and refined. It is important to find a style which suits your wedding day and venue. Pinterest can be a great place to get some inspiration or ideas before meeting with your florist!

A bouquet with a modern feel, designed by one of our team members, Millie.
3. Shape
One of the questions your florist will ask is what shape you would like for your bouquet. We see most of our clients going for an unstructured round style but some also favour more of a teardrop and waterfall shape or a tighter rounder design. It is important to think about the style of your dress and which bouquet shape might work best with it.

4. Size
Your florist will want to know what size bouquet you would like. A bride recently said to a member of our team “if you can’t have a large bouquet on your wedding day, then when can you?”, and we tend to agree! However, this might not be for everyone and it's important to take your own size and the size and style of your dress into account.
5. Foliage vs Floral
One of the key things to think about is how much of your bouquet you want to be made up of flowers or foliage. Some will opt for a more floral luxe design with very minimal or no foliage while other prefer a more balanced look. You could even consider an all foliage bouquet. Many florists will have a particular style, and so it’s important to think about this before making the final booking.

A foliage heavy bouquet designed by our team, with pops of colour from hypericum berries and thistles.
6. Your dress
Your florist may ask to see a picture of your dress or what you are planning to wear on the day when working on your bouquet design. It is important to consider the shape, style, colour and detailing of your outfit when thinking about your own bouquet. You want them to compliment each other, and equally you don’t want them to overpower each other. Your florist will be able to give suggestions of what will work well if you’re unsure.
7. Your bridesmaids
Along with your bouquet you need to think about your bridesmaids and what you’d like them to have. Most will opt for for the bridesmaids' bouquets to be a similar style to the brides' but a smaller size. However, you could also think about changing the style or colour slightly to help the bridal bouquet stand out. Think about what your bridesmaids will be wearing and try and ensure it compliments this. You don’t have to only stick to bouquets, why not think about flower crowns as an alternative to a bouquet?

J and her bridesmaids with their bouquets, designed by our team.
8. Ribbon
Another thing your florist will want to know is what ribbon you'd like the bouquets to be finished with. You can choose from so many different types and colours and have the option to have tight or trailing ribbon. It comes completely down to personal preference and can be another way to express your own unique style and explore colour. Personally, we love a trailing silk ribbon and think it makes a stunning statement!

Bouquet designed by Millie with trailing silk ribbon.
9. Logistics
Finally, your florist will want to know where the bouquets need to be delivered to on the morning of the wedding and by what time. Think about what time you will be having your hair and makeup done and remember to allow enough time for your photographer to get some pictures of the bouquets. Also, ask if your florist will provide vases for the bouquets to sit in, they should arrive in water but it is good to double check!